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Silver Job Ad £975
For those hard-to-reach candidates who really make a difference. Have a prominent listing on Guardian Jobs, as well as targeted social and promotion across
Green Job £875
For jobs that contribute to preserving or restoring the environment with access to our curated, environmentally conscious audience.
PLEASE NOTE - Green Jobs are subject to review for eligibility.
- Live for up to 30 days, reaching over one million high quality candidates.
- Be instantly recognised with prominent placement of your logo.
- Applications can go straight to your inbox or candidates can be redirected to your own website.
- Your role will also be posted on The Guardian partner sites for even greater reach.
All of the ‘Bronze’ benefits, plus:
- Beat the competition with a mid-way refresh: we’ll boost your listing to the top of the search results at your campaign’s mid-point.
- Your role will appear 100,000 times, to a targeted audience on, maximising exposure to our exclusive readership.
- Your role will be promoted on select social platforms.
- Your role will be displayed as a Top Job in candidate search results.
All of the ‘Bronze’ benefits, plus:
- Beat the competition with a mid-way refresh: we’ll boost your listing to the top of the search results at your campaign’s mid-point.
- Your role will appear 70,000 times on maximising exposure to your exclusive readership.
- Your role will be promoted on select social platforms.
- Your role will be promoted in The Guardian Jobs newsletter.
- Your role displayed as a Green Top Job in candidate search results.
- Exposure to over 1.5m curated, environmentally conscious potential candidates.